
On my own domain! / Na mojej wlasnej domenie!

I am super pleased to inform you that I have just moved to my new blogsite and will soon operate under my own domain!

By this note I am stopping writing in here (on my blogspot), although I am leaving it open for anyone who'd like to check up on my past writing craft :)

Visit me now on:

See you there!


Jest mi niezmiernie przyjemnie poinformowac was, ze wlasnie przenioslam sie na moja nowa strone, ktora juz niedlugo bedzie funkcjonowac pod moja wlasna domena!

W zwiazku z powyzszym nie bede juz zamieszczac postow na Blogspocie czyli tutaj, ale zostawiam te strone otwarta dla wszystkich tych, ktorzy od czasu do czasu poczuja nostalgie za moja przeszla tworczoscia :)

Odwiedz mnie na:

Nie moge niestety obiecac tlumaczenia tekstow na jezyk polski, na razie niestety bedziemy musieli zdac sie na tlumacza Google ktory znajduje sie na nowej stronie..

Pozdrowienia ze slonecznego Madagaskaru!


Back to my blog! First week after quitting my job and why did I end up in Madagascar

After over two and a half months break from blogging I am eager to start writing again. I must admit, I have used my break from blogging rather productively - I drafted a short book of which the topic I will reveal to you when the right time comes. 

Apart from writing I have been preparing to quit my job and go on an adventure. I have been doing this job for almost three years and three and a half years in total for the company. The job was great for a while, it was all I needed; a bit of money, security and the time to develop my passions after work. But it was one of those jobs which will never change, and never allow you to grow. You could come and see me there a few weeks ago and then (if I have not resigned) come over again in fifty years time and I would be still there. I would be doing the same things, say the same words (though I would definitely not look the same though!).

Don't get me wrong, as I said I was very happy doing it for the first two years or so, then at some point (not sure even when) I got stuck. I didn't want to look for a different role but I didn't feel like I was performing as well and enjoying it as much as I did before. 

Getting stuck in any area of your life is dangerous. It feels OK at the beginning but soon it make you immune to realising that there are other options available to you. It's like a disease that starts with a little discomfort which isn't enough bother you so you do nothing about it. Then you learn to live with it, and the discomfort only speaks up from time to time. Not too often, so you can repress it when it comes up.

Having that in mind I knew I had to make a decision. Moving to another job for a grand move, and maybe taking more responsibility (which in career-speak is wisely called "a challenge") wasn't an option I wanted to consider. I realised that if I do not "remove" myself from this situation nothing will change. Sometimes life kindly gives us a "shake" and we have no choice but change our circumstances. However, most of the times we have to make such a decision for ourselves. It is a luxury which we do not appreciate enough. 

I decided to leave my work and go somewhere unknown to explore, learn and live my life for me for a while. The destination came to my mind without a second thought. 


How come? Because I have a list of dream places I always wanted to visit and Madagascar was next on the list. I tend to choose (as my mum with her local understanding says) "strange countries" because they are unpopular, not discovered yet by the masses, and not so easy to hang around on your own. I choose these countries because I am not a follower. The only thing I commit to follow is the voice of my heart. I know, it sounds cheesy but, well, sometimes the truth is cheesy and that's why we don't want to trust it. 

In fact these "strange countries" often turn out to be great places, not so difficult to hang around once you're there. Not to mention, I can also spread the word about them without relying on the media. Not that I have something against the media as such. However, as we know the media talk about what sells and is convenient for them. What is convenient for me in writing about Burma, Madagascar or Colombia? 


Yes, so I decided to hit Madagascar. I created an opportunity for me to visit this place and stay here for a while - enough to learn French on an intermediate level and do some good work for its people. The majority of them have no money to travel even to the village next door and it's great that I can afford to come and visit them instead.

I promise to do my best to be a respectful guest.


A break in blogging I guess? / Przerwa w blogowaniu chyba?

My father (on the left) playing chess

Nope. I haven't got lazy. I stopped writing on regular basis, because I directed all my energy is in other projects on which I am currently working, and which give me a lots of joy and excitement. Please allow me to be mysterious about it for a while. I don't like revealing things before they're unfinished. Not, because I am paranoid, that they will not work out. Rather because I value my that I walk my talk.  

Not the words one says value him, but his actions.
(we all know this!)

Despite that, let's be honest, I don't recently rock'n'roll with my writing. I bore myself when I read what I created, so why would I like to bore you?

Of course that should change at some point. In the meantime I am taking a break in blogging. A break which I entitle myself to interrupt at anytime I fell like posting something. Even if that's going to be tomorrow.

Have a great weekend! (play chess :P)


Nie. Ja wcale się nie lenię. Przestałam pisać regularnie, ponieważ moja energia jest całkowicie ukierukowana teraz na pewien projekt, nad którym aktualnie pracuje i który sprawia mi dużo radości. Pozwólcie mi więc pozostać tajemniczą na jeszcze jakiś czas. Nie lubię ujawniać rzeczy, których jeszcze nie skończyłam. Nie dlatego, iż popadnę w paranoję, że coś mi nie wyjdzie. Raczej dlatego, że lubię robić to o czym mówię. Czyli od słów do czynów.

Nie to co człowiek mówi ale co robi czyni go wartościowym
(wszyscy to wiemy!)

Poza tym bądźmy szczerzy. Ostatnio jakoś nie szturmuję tym co piszę. Nudzę sama siebie, kiedy czytam, co tworzę, dlaczego miałabym nudzić was?

Oczywiście to w pewnym momencie się zmieni. W międzyczasie robię sobie przerwę w blogowaniu. Przerwę, która uprawnia mnie do jej "przerwania" kiedykolwiek będę miała ochotę na zamieszczenie posta. Nawet jeśli będzie to jutro.

Miłego weekendu! (zagrajcie sobie w szachy :P)