I would love to have a doggy life. Under one condition though. That it would be life of an average dog bred or rather cherished in Rio de Janeiro's homestead.
I hold my hands up, I did not expect such a great love for dogs which is proudly
demonstrated by Brazilians in Rio (at least in the South part of the city, where I stayed).
I only saw the dogs being groomed, perfectly maintained, happy and smiling.
All, Poodles, little Poodles, Terriers, Labradors, German Shepherds, Dachshunds and Gacki. (read “Gazky). I call Gazky a special kind of dogs who have their ears hanging down from side to side. I call them that way because they are so cute.
demonstrated by Brazilians in Rio (at least in the South part of the city, where I stayed).
I only saw the dogs being groomed, perfectly maintained, happy and smiling.
All, Poodles, little Poodles, Terriers, Labradors, German Shepherds, Dachshunds and Gacki. (read “Gazky). I call Gazky a special kind of dogs who have their ears hanging down from side to side. I call them that way because they are so cute.
Poodles and Terriers were carefully shaved, Spaniels combed. I managed to even encounter Chau Chau and I was desperate to shave him, as with his thick hair, in a country famous for Brazilian waxing did not seem to be right. By the way how does he manage on Copacabana without a bikini?!!!
I came across a dog being pushed in a child's pram (I guess it was female because had a ribbon), but I had already seen a cat on a supermarket trolley in a cap, so I was not particularly surprised.
One thing I know for sure. I never saw such podgy and outright obese doggies like in Rio. Dachshunds were sausages (not just by their common English name) and Gazky were a haggis. (I share here a sincere hope that no dog eating person is reading this text, as speaking about obesity I don't mean to stimulate the taste buds).
All doggies walked slowly, therefore my conclusion is that it's due to the heat they are not that keen on it so do not burn as many calories as their European friends.
There was also a television program called Cachorrada, (for Cachorro in Portuguese dog). Doggies jumped through and over the various obstacles and proudly overcame them to get their rewards.
These were not podgy due to obvious reasons. Presenters on the TV were all over the moon and the audience as well. Isn't it a dogs life?!!
I came across a dog being pushed in a child's pram (I guess it was female because had a ribbon), but I had already seen a cat on a supermarket trolley in a cap, so I was not particularly surprised.
One thing I know for sure. I never saw such podgy and outright obese doggies like in Rio. Dachshunds were sausages (not just by their common English name) and Gazky were a haggis. (I share here a sincere hope that no dog eating person is reading this text, as speaking about obesity I don't mean to stimulate the taste buds).
All doggies walked slowly, therefore my conclusion is that it's due to the heat they are not that keen on it so do not burn as many calories as their European friends.
There was also a television program called Cachorrada, (for Cachorro in Portuguese dog). Doggies jumped through and over the various obstacles and proudly overcame them to get their rewards.
These were not podgy due to obvious reasons. Presenters on the TV were all over the moon and the audience as well. Isn't it a dogs life?!!
So the dogs of all nations .. On a vacation to Rio!
Chciałabym mieć pieskie życie...Pod warunkiem, że byłoby to życie przeciętnego psiaka hodowanego, a może raczej hołubionego w Rio de Janeiro'wym domu.
Przyznam się bez bicia, że nie spodziewałam się takiej miłości do psów jaką dumnie demonstrują Brazylijczycy w Rio (przynajmniej w tej Południowej części miasta, w której przebywałam). Widziałam tylko pieski wypielęgnowane, super utrzymane, zadowolone i uśmiechnięte. Wszystkie. Pudle, Pudelki, Terierki, Labradory, Wilczurki, Jamniki i Gacki. Gackami określam takie fajne psiny, którym ich czubate uszy trochę na boki zwisają. Pudle i Teriery były starannie ostrzyżone, Spaniele wyczesane, udało mi się nawet napotkać Chau Chau i aż mnie nosiło, żeby go ogolić z jego pokaźnego, gęstego włosia, które w kraju słynnym z brazylijskiej depilacji woskiem jakoś mi nie pasowało. Jak on swoją drogą daje radę na Copacabanie??
Natknęłm się nawet na pieska prowadzonego w wózeczku dziecięcym (suczka chyba była bo w kokardce), ale wcześniej już widziałam kota na wózku z supermarketu w czapce z daszkiem, więc na kolana mnie to nie rzuciło. Jedno wiem na pewno. Nigdzie nie widziałam takich pulchnych i wręcz otyłych piesków co w Rio. Jamniki były serdelkami, a gacki szynkami. (Żywię tutaj szczerą nadzieję, że nie czyta tego tekstu jakiś smakosz piesków, bo właśnie mówiąc o otyłości nie chodzi mi bynajmniej o pobudzenie kubków smakowych).
Wszystkie psiny chodziły wolno, więc mój wniosek jest taki, że pewnie z gorąca nie chce im się szybciej, no i nie spalają tyle kalorii co ich europejscy kompani.
Był też program w telewizji zwany Cachorrada - od Cachorro po portugalsku „Pies'', może coś jak ''Psilandia''.
Cachorros śmigały po przez różne przeszkody śmiało je pokonując i co raz to dostając jakieś smakołyki. Pieski te akurat pulchne nie były z wiadomych powodów. Prezenterzy w niebo wzięci, widownia też. Pies z kulawą nogą i by spróbował.
A wiec psy wszystkich narodów... Na wakacje do Rio!
I love this story! I love dogs too, so I would probably go crazy in that place and create a photo album with dogs as a theme.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago I spent about 2 summer months in Paris. In my first week there I found a pet shop by Seine with two gorgeous Lemurs along other cute animals. I bought a monthly ticket for metro to be able to see my Lemurs almost every day. How crazy is that!