Oh what a day it was! But before we start with watching the photos and counting dances we made, I'd like to thank to all my friends and their friends for coming over to support our cause. Thank you for being able to make it! You are great!
For those who for whatever reason couldn't be here with us I'll tell you a bit about it by in the photo story below:
Oh co to był za dzień! Zanim jednak zaczniemy oglądać zdięcia i liczyć style tańców, które praktykowałśmy chciałabym podziękować wszysktim moim znajomym, koleżankom i kolegom oraz oczywiście ich znjamoym za uczestnictwo w naszej małej imprezie i wspomaganie naszej inicjatywy. Dzięki śliczne, za to że przyszliście. Jesteście świetni!
A dla tych, co z różnych powodów przyjść nie mogli opowiem wam trochę o tym co się działo poprzez poniższe zdięcia:
So let's start / Zacznijmy więc:
...from homemade cup cakes by Louise |
and beautiful slide show of the photos we've taken in Burma |
the raffle with amazing prizes |
my Burma history lesson :) |
and... dancing |
because dance is freedom! |
and this is my lovely t-shirt a proper Burmese design - looks like the camera liked it too much and left the rest of the room unfocused! |
Louise |
beautiful Bea - thanks for coming ;) |
and beautiful Louise's bag from (guess where) - Burma! |
and Daniela |
Special thanks to this lovely lady on the photo who kindly brought her camera (sadly mine was stolen a couple of weeks ago) and took the photos on our event.
Thank you! x
The donation still continues this week and we'll keep on dancing for love, freedom and fun!
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